Ilona Harker

Ilona Harker

Singer, performer, artist, activist

Ilona Harker is a truth speaker. A spark that ignites conversation. A listener. Someone who brings people together with a disarming openness and whimsy. A true believer in the power that collective creativity has to produce solutions. A facilitator of discussion when you want meaningful, invested conversation.

Ilona Harker, as a musical performer, has appeared on stage at national and internationally-acclaimed festivals including Woodford, Big Day Out, Splendour in the Grass, Bluesfest and Falls Festivals. She’s captivated festival audiences from Adelaide to Gympie to Paris and the Pyrenees.

She has written, performed and curated musical theatre shows, characters, exhibitions and community initiatives her entire career and has developed a reputation for leading the inclusive and unusual. Challenging assumptions and pushing for dynamic conversations is integral to her practice.

Ilona is the founder of HEARTS-Health Entertainment Arts,  HEARTS develops tailor-made programmes for community engagement and participation, with a focus on creative expression leading to specific and measurable outcomes, like the Chandelier of the Lost and Broken project.

Ilona is an activist and outspoken on issues of housing and women’s rights. She helped organise the March 4 Justice in Mullumbimby in 2021.

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